角色授權 Character License

Colorholic Gossip 亦是一家角色授權公司, 創造出不同的角色以迎合市場需要。Plump Planet 以植物包括多肉仙人掌及貓肉球為設計原形,曾於2018及2019參與香港國際授權展、香港禮品及贈品展及香港動漫展,亦參與香港插畫師協會多個聯展,於九展及中環街市等地方展出插畫作品。多肉星人在風吹雨打下仍不斷努力過生活,保持熱情的心去追求夢想,藉此宣揚堅強及不屈不撓的精神,給人溫暖、治療、快樂的正能量。

The idea of Plump Planet is coming from plants. Plump Planet citizen face different difficulties every day, such as working and study pressure, but they always try hard and use their clever to solve problems, as same as the spirit of Hong Kong People”. Plump Planet citizen always keep the enthusiasm to pursue their dreams and promote the spirit of perseverance.Plump Planet has been participating in various exhibitions, including the Hong Kong International Licensing Show, the Hong Kong Gifts & Premium Fair, and the Hong Kong Animation & Comic Fair.

CWHK44 原創角色設計大賽優異獎 第2名 Character Design Competition 2nd prize

Indigo Awards 2019 角色設計銀獎 Character Design Sliver prize

⬇️ Illustration Style Wall ⬇️

Art & Design Shop

🇭🇰 Hong Kong Design + 🌍 World Production
Plump Planet及各式各樣客製化禮品可供選購
🔖 | https://planetcraftart.com/